3D Coding ModelTown Introduction
3D Coding ModelTown is an environment and software that teaches children to love coding.
3D Coding ModelTown has been approved by the Taiwanese Ministry of Education, to be taught in Taiwanese public schools.
In the classrooms, the students can learn to familiarize themselves with coding commands and basic patterns, such as "Sequence", "Conditional Branch" and "Loop".
Through practice, students can easily learn and recognize the "Variables", "Functions", "Arrays" etc.
By simply following the step-by-step lesson instructions, students can self-taught coding lessons quickly and easily. The lessons are suitable for elementary school students in 3rd grade and up, and also suitable for senior high school students.
The lessons are designed for students to self-study, no prior coding experience is necessary. The software is designed to reduce dependence on the teacher.
Learning coding by oneself may be boring and dull. Different from other coding teaching software, 3D Coding ModelTown created an interactive learning environment that is meant for a group of students to have fun together!
1. Students and teachers can see one another's learning progress, and encourage one another.
2. Students can showcase their own design creation within the 3D space.
3. The teacher and students are able to use the built-in video chat function to support.
4. When a student is lost, one can easily state one's status to seek help.
5. When a student already completed the lessons, one can other students.
Once the students are familiarized with the basics of coding language, they can try changing the numbers and combinations. Through trial-and-error, creative architecture, and different geometries, create one-of-a-kind artwork.
3D Coding ModelTown is a comprehensive design environment and teaching software that teaches the Basic of coding design.
It is a digital playground meant to be built by the entire group of students in the class together!
Let's see which class can create the most unique playground!
The teacher or the students can use programs like Mario Maker, to tailormade their own teaching materials and lessons!
Let's create some fun and interesting challenges for our classmates!
Instructions for review:
7 reasons why 3D Coding ModelTown is great for learning coding :
1. ModelTown Boosts Problem-solving Skills.
2. ModelTown Improves Computational Thinking.
3. ModelTown Encourages Persistence.
4. ModelTown Teaching Creativity.
5. ModelTown Helps teach Digital Literacy.
6. ModelTown Teaching coding that is a career-building Skills
7. ModelTown Improves Confidence and Communication Skills.
6 reasons why Japanese and Taiwanese children like 3D Coding ModelTown:
1. ModelTown allows kids to play with their own friends, run and even fly!
2. ModelTown encourages experimenting with Math and makes Math Fun.
3. ModelTown Encourages students to learn from one another.
4. There is no one standard answer in ModelTown
5. ModelTown charactors are cute, designed by Tokyo Olympic 2020 mascot designer, Ryo Taniguchi, in a non-violent, fun environment.
6. Students can showcase their works inside ModelTown and be visited by their friends.
Used iPad, used screen keyboard.
大力推薦孩子們使用ModelTown魔數樂園來學習程式設計的 7 大理由:
1. 魔數樂園的學習效果能升問題解決能力
2. 魔數樂園的學習過程能培育計算思維
3. 魔數樂園的學習方針鼓勵堅持不懈
4. 魔數樂園的學習方法激發多向思考激發創新力
5. 魔數樂園的學習內容有增加資訊領域方面的知識與成長
6. 魔數樂園的學習經驗能培養未來職業技能
7. 魔數樂園的學習環境能提升自信和溝通技巧
日本和臺灣孩子們喜歡ModelTown魔數樂園的 6 大理由:
1. 魔數樂園裡可以和朋友一起飛翔,追逐,玩耍
2. 魔數樂園裡可以體驗各種數學組合所帶來樂趣
3. 魔數樂園裡課程不分線上或實體皆能彈性利用
4. 魔數樂園裡的解答不只一種,鼓勵多多嘗試,勇於探索
5. 魔數樂園角色造型跟動作活潑可愛,沒有打殺暴力和競爭
6. 魔數樂園裡互相分享用程式設計創作的獨一作品

Hardware suggestion: desktop computer, laptop, tablets, keyboard or screen keyboard
Computer system:
Windows PC — Windows 10 or higher version
Mac — OS X Yosemite 10.10 or higher version (on supported Macs)
Chrome OS
iPad — iOS 10.0 or higher version
Google Chrome, Apple Safari recommended
WIFI wireless network
(Each student 5MB or more, 30 students need 150MB or more)